Posts Tagged ‘oil spill response’

NOAA announces Gulf oil not a threat to South Florida, Keys, & East Coast

NOAA sent out a press release Friday stating that Gulf surface oil is not a threat to the Florida Keys, South Florida or the East Coast. (

Oil-eating microbes help clean up the Gulf

Oil eating fungi and bacteria in the gulf eat up a large amount of spilled oil. (Yahoo News)

Gulf leak stopped, but where’s the oil?

Gulf leak stopped, but where’s the oil? (USA Today)

Gulf journals: documenting a disaster

CNN’s iReport: Gulf residents’ stories of living with the oil spill disaster.

Tony Hayward is ‘about to get his life back’

BP’s current CEO Tony Hayward is expected to step down from the CEO position today. (Washington Post)

Sea turtles to be moved from Gulf shores today

Sea turtle eggs will be moved from their nests on the Gulf’s beaches today, and relocated to Florida’s east coast. (FWC)

BP prepares for Tropical Storm Bonnie

BP prepares for the effects of Tropical Storm Bonnie in the Gulf (YouTube)

Tropical storm Bonnie may force evacuation of gulf shore communities (SFGate)

Clean up tools hoped to protect wetlands from Gulf spill.

By mixing old and new clean up methods, crews hope to cause as little damage to the coastal wetlands as possible. (

No shortage of books on oil spill

Publishers ready books on the Deepwater Horizon disaster (NY Times)

The Future of Conservation in the Gulf

Laura Huffman, director of the Nature Conservancy Texas, discusses the future of conservation in the Gulf. (The Nature Conservancy)