Posts Tagged ‘Florida DEP’

South Florida Environmental Report highlights restoration commitment, state of the ecosystem

South Florida Environmental Report highlights restoration commitment, state of the ecosystem (SFWMD)

EPA Finalizes Common Sense Standards to Protect Florida Waters Action

EPA Finalizes Common Sense Standards to Protect Florida Waters Action: to reduce nutrient pollution in lakes and flowing waters, provides strong environmental protection and significant flexibility for Florida’s communities and businesses. (

October is Florida Greenways and Trails Month!

Visit the DEP’s new website celebrating Florida Greenways and Trails Month! (DEP Florida)

National Public Lands Day recognizes Florida’s natural resources

Follow the link to learn more about National Public Lands Day, and for a list of state park cleanups happening on Sept 25 (Oyster Radio News)

DEP’s Easy as One campaign week kicked off today

Sept 20-26 is National Pollution Prevention Week! Follow this link to learn how to do your part to prevent pollution! (DEP Florida)

Deepwater Horizon Situation Report #111

Deepwater Horizon Situation Report #111 (Florida DEP)

Florida test inventors’ sand-cleaning ideas

To prepare for the inevitable oil to reach the Florida beaches, the DEP viewed 10 potential sand-cleaning techniques from inventors. They are looking for “a lot [of ideas] that can be used in different situations.” (Palm Beach Post)