Posts Tagged ‘Obama administration’

$100 million coming for Everglades restoration

$100 million coming for Everglades restoration (Bradenton Herald)

Threats to Florida’s coast are not worth the risk from offshore drilling

Sarah Bucci, associate with Environmental Florida, stated, “Our research makes it clear that clean beaches and oceans are worth much more than drilling for the last drops of oil off our coasts. Drilling is simply not worth the risk, so we are thanking Representatives Kathy Castor, Bill Young and Senator Bill Nelson for their work to protect the coast and ask the new Florida legislature and the new Congress to maintain our current protections. The safest drilling on our coast is NO drilling at all.”

To read the full article from The Examiner, click here.

Preserving National Treasures

Our national parks, monuments and historic sites are living, outdoor classrooms. They can play a role in Obama’s ‘America’s Great Outdoors’ conservation plan. (LA Times)

Obama Hails GOP Senators Who End Small-Business Bill ‘Blockade’

By Jennifer Bendery
Roll Call Staff
Sept. 15, 2010, 6:55 p.m.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday cheered Senate progress in advancing a small-business jobs bill but chided Republicans for stalling a bill that “should not have taken this long to pass.”

Obama praised GOP Sens. George Voinovich (Ohio) and George LeMieux (Fla.) for voting with Democrats to clear a procedural hurdle in passing legislation that would cut taxes and boost lending for small businesses. The bill inched forward Tuesday by a vote of 61-37 after months of delays that Obama blamed on Republicans. A final vote is expected Thursday.

Voinovich and LeMieux “have refused to support this blockade any longer. And because of their decision, this small-business jobs bill will finally pass,” Obama said after emerging from a Cabinet meeting, which he called to discuss the economy.

“I want to thank them for their efforts, because they understand that we simply don’t have time anymore to play games,” he said.

The president also took aim at Senate Republicans for holding “tax cuts hostage” for the middle class by refusing to support an extension of the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts without also extending them for the wealthy.

“If the other party continues to hold these [middle-class] tax cuts hostage, these are the same families who will suffer the most when their taxes go up next year,” Obama said. “And if we can’t get an agreement with Republicans, that’s what will happen.”

Both parties are divided on how to proceed on the issue; House Democratic leaders have signaled that they will not take it up until after the elections.

Assessing the after-effects of the BP oil spill

Assessing the after-effects of the BP oil spill (Bloomberg News)

Protect Our Public Lands: America’s Great Outdoors

Follow this link and do your part to ensure conservation is of national priority! (Sierra Club)

America’s Great Outdoors Initiative

Florida’s leaders highlight opportunities presented by America’s Great Outdoors Initiative. (

Louisiana Senator pushes for Gulf Coast Restoration Plan

NEW YORK TIMES: Senator Mary Landrieu states that “what the Gulf Coast needs is a long-term restoration plan, and this is the first president that’s used those words from the Oval Office,” she said. “And that’s music to the ears of people who are now up to their knees in oil.”

To read the full article, click here.

Everglades Offers Model for Massive Gulf Restoration, Says Senior Obama Admin Official

NYTIMES: Everglades Offers Model for Massive Gulf Restoration, Says Senior Obama Admin Official

Longer Tamiami bridge proposed to help Everglades.

SUN-SENTINEL: Obama administration plans to add 5.5 miles of bridges along Tamiami Trail to restore a natural waterflow.